Classes of Membership
Membership is on an annual basis as follows :-
UK FULL – Membership is open to those owning a Triumph car manufactured prior to the formation of the Triumph Motor Co. Ltd (1945), together with the Vale Special and any other special built on a qualifying chassis.
UK ASSOCIATE Membership is open to anyone who does not qualify for Full Membership.
OVERSEAS Membership is open to those with or without an appropriate car outside of the UK.
Joining Details
Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year. Members joining between 1st October & 31st December prior to this date are not required to pay again for the following year.
On joining the club a new member receives a Membership Card, Brief History, Regalia details and current Membership List, along with information on how to access our Spare Parts & Library lists from our website. A current Club Magazine will also be provided with back-numbers if joining after April or before October in any year.
To join or renew- your membership online and pay using PayPal, please use the links below.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to complete a paper Membership Application Form which also contains the current subscription rates and payment details, this is available as a download in the Library & Documents tab, or by contacting the Membership Secretary.
Prior to joining the club, all prospective members should read our Articles of Association and Data Protection Privacy Notice which can be viewed in the Library & Documents tab.