We’ve undergone a MASSIVE website update recently.
Please navigate your way round the site and check out the new & updated features – feel free to let me know of typo’s and factual errors!
You have all the same information about the cars, new pictures, updated info about events and an online Regalia shop but with a whole new feel.
We’ve made things a lot more visual, with loads of new pictures of cars as has been the feedback so far.
We’ve added a dedicated “Restoration Corner” as requested. I’m looking for regular updates from members on their projects to help others out, so if you have something to share, please contact me here.
There’s also a Technical Assistance form for asking for help on that tricky bit you’re stuck on with your maintenance or restoration.
I know there might be some teething problems with links, visualisation and god knows what else, so please do give feedback to the webmaster and we’ll endeavour to get them sorted (speed of correction depends on complexity of request…)